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How Do I Start A Story 15 Awesome Ideas

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  • image October 25, 2023
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  • image 6 min read


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Every writer knows the thrill of beginning a new story. 

However, how do you capture a reader’s attention from the get-go? 

It’s very important to start a story in such a way that readers are immediately drawn in, craving more. With numerous paths, deciding on the perfect start can be challenging. 

Here, we’ll look at 15 approved methods to start a story narrative and ensure readers are hooked from the first word.

1. Story’s Core

Before getting into specific techniques, it’s important to grasp your story’s heart and soul.

What message or emotion are you trying to convey? 

book publishers in new york city always emphasize by understanding the basics of your story; you start a story with a strong foundation. This clarity can guide you in selecting the best method to start your story and ensure it resonates with readers. Think of it as the compass pointing you in the right direction, making your storytelling journey smoother.

2. Striking Quote

Start a story with a poignant quote and see how immediately it draws readers into your crafted world. It could be a famous saying, a line from a poem, or even a quote of your own making. 

For instance, imagine starting a story with, “In the midst of chaos, find simplicity,” setting the tone for a story about finding peace in turbulent times. A well-chosen quote can be a beacon, illuminating the themes and emotions waiting ahead in your narrative.

3. Unclear Picture

As writers, our task is to craft that picture using descriptive language. You can transport readers into your story’s setting by painting an unclear scene at the beginning

Imagine opening with a scene of a tranquil village, where “golden sunbeams trickle down, dancing on cobblestone streets, and the distant hum of a lullaby floats in the breeze.” Such imagery sets the scene and immediately immerses the reader, making them eager to explore further.

4. Action

Nothing grabs attention quite like jumping right into the thick of things. By starting your story in the middle of an action sequence, readers are instantly intrigued, wanting to know how and why the characters ended up in this situation. 

5. Introduce a Mystery

Human beings are naturally curious creatures. When presented with a puzzle or an unanswered question, we itch to solve it. Capitalizing on this instinct, starting your story with a mystery can be a masterstroke. 

Whether it’s a cryptic note found in an old book, an unexplained disappearance, or a strange occurrence in a seemingly ordinary town, start a story with these mysterious elements and see how they act as magnets. 

6. Use Flashbacks

Taking readers on a journey back in time can be an intriguing way to start a story.” Flashbacks offer glimpses into pivotal moments that shaped the narrative’s present. The reader gains insight into the characters and their motivations by revealing a past event, perhaps a childhood memory, a long-lost love, or a mistake that still haunts them. 

This technique adds depth and builds a bridge, connecting the story’s past and present and enticing readers to traverse it, eager to see how past events influence the plot.

7. Dialogue

Start a story with a conversation and see how dynamic it is to introduce characters, set the mood, or hint at the plot. Dialogue is relatable; it mirrors real-life interactions, making readers feel instantly connected. 

Such dialogues introduce voices and personalities and plant seeds of curiosity. Readers will wonder, “Who are they? What are they talking about? Why is this conversation important?” And, as they seek answers, they’ll be pulled deeper into your narrative.

8. Intriguing Character Introduction

Characters are the heartbeat of any story. Start a story by introducing a memorable character right at the outset can establish a strong emotional connection with the reader. 

Remember, readers often stick with stories because of characters they grow to love or are curious about. Making a strong first impression can set the tone for the entire story.

9. Bold Statement

Starting with a bold or unexpected statement can be like a splash of cold water, instantly awakening and gripping. It challenges readers’ perceptions and makes them question what they thought they knew. 

10. Set the Atmosphere

Start a story in a certain setting, much like a movie setting its tone with the opening scene; your story can do the same with words. Whether it’s the eerie stillness of a haunted mansion, the festive buzz of a Christmas market, or the serene calm of a mountaintop, setting the atmosphere can be a potent way to start a story

11. Philosophical Question

Questions can provoke thought, challenge beliefs, and encourage introspection. When you start a story with a philosophical question, you invite readers to ponder to engage their intellect and emotions. 

12. Unique Perspective

Stories told from unconventional viewpoints can be incredibly refreshing and captivating. Imagine a story narrated by an old oak tree that’s seen centuries go by or from the perspective of a ghost watching over its loved ones. 

13. Use Symbolism

Symbols carry weight, representing deeper meanings, themes, or emotions. Introducing a powerful symbol early in your story can resonate with readers on multiple levels. Consider a broken watch symbolizing lost time; a wilted rose representing faded love, or a phoenix hinting at rebirth and new beginnings. 

14. Juxtaposition

Contrasting elements placed side by side can create a striking impact. Juxtaposition can highlight disparities, create tension, or emphasize particular themes. 

By juxtaposing these contrasting images or ideas at the beginning of your story, you captivate readers with the unexpected, urging them to explore the dynamics and implications of these opposing forces as the narrative unfolds.

15. Personal Anecdotes

Stories often become more relatable and heartfelt when infused with personal experiences. Starting with a personal anecdote can immediately establish a bond between the writer and the reader. 

Vital Aspects Unraveled

Technique Description Example
Vivid Imagery Painting an unclear, yet immersive scene. “Sunbeams dancing on cobblestones.”
Action-Driven Start Beginning in the middle of an action sequence. “The chase was on, heart pounding.”
Mystery Introduction Opening with a puzzle or unanswered question. “The cryptic note in the ancient book.”
Flashback Opening Starting with a flashback to a pivotal moment. “Memories of a forgotten summer love.”
Conversational Hook Beginning with intriguing dialogue. “‘Why did you do it?’ she asked.”
Character Focus Introducing a memorable character immediately. “John, the enigmatic wanderer.”
Bold Proclamation Opening with a strong, unexpected statement. “Nothing would ever be the same again.”
Atmospheric Setup Setting the tone with the initial setting. “The haunted mansion loomed ominously.”
Philosophical Query Starting with a thought-provoking question. “What is the price of happiness?”
Unique POV Telling the story from an unconventional viewpoint. “Narrated by the ancient oak tree.”


How you start a story can set the trajectory for the entire narrative. Whether it’s an unclear picture, an intense action sequence, or a simple, heartfelt memory, the beginning is your invitation to readers, promising them an unforgettable journey. Use these techniques and find the one that resonates most with your story’s heart. 

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