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Which Two Factors Combine To Form An Author’s Purpose For Writing A Text?

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  • image July 11, 2023
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  • image 7 min read


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The author’s purpose of writing is why an author creates a particular piece of writing. The author’s purpose can vary from informing, persuading, entertaining, or reflecting on a particular subject. To understand the purpose of a text, readers need to analyze two factors: the author’s intent and the intended audience. This article will delve deeper into these two factors that combine to form an author’s purpose for writing a text.

Factors that Influence an Author’s Purpose

1. Author’s Intent

The author’s intent is the driving force behind why they create a particular piece of writing. The reason or motivation compels an author to pick up their pen and start writing. The author’s intent can vary widely, depending on the author’s personality, experiences, beliefs, and goals.

One common reason for an author to write is to express themselves creatively.. Creative writing allows authors to express their thoughts, feelings, and ideas in a unique way. They may write poetry, short stories, or novels to explore their emotions or to share their imagination with the world. Creative writing can be deeply personal and therapeutic for the author.

Another reason for writing is to convey a message. Authors may write to share their ideas or opinions on a particular subject with their readers. They may aim to educate or inform their audience about a particular topic or issue. This type of writing can be found in non-fiction books, articles, and research papers. The author’s intent, in this case, is to communicate their message clearly and effectively to their readers.

Authors may also write to share their experiences with their readers. Memoirs, autobiographies, and personal essays are examples of this type of writing. The author intends to share their life story with their readers and provide insight into their experiences and perspectives.

Some authors write to entertain their readers. Fiction books, plays, and screenplays are examples of this type of writing. The author intends to create an engaging, interesting, and enjoyable work for their readers. They may use humor, drama, or suspense to capture their readers’ attention and keep them engaged.

2. Intended Audience

The intended audience is a critical consideration for authors when writing a text.. It is the group of people that the author aims to target with their writing. Identifying the intended audience is important as it influences the writer’s style, tone, and content.

The intended audience can vary widely depending on the type of writing. For example, a children’s book author will have a different target audience than a medical journal author. Identifying the intended audience allows the author to tailor their writing to meet the needs and expectations of their readers.

One way authors can determine their intended audience is by considering the purpose of their writing. If the purpose is to educate or inform, the intended audience may be those with a specific interest in the subject matter. If the purpose is to entertain, the intended audience may be those who enjoy a particular genre or style of writing.

The intended audience can also be determined by considering the writer’s language, tone, and style. For example, if the writing is technical, complex language may be used, and the tone may be more formal. If the writing is informal or conversational, simpler language and a more casual tone may be used.

In addition, authors may use demographic data to determine their intended audience. This includes factors such as age, gender, location, and interests. This information can create a more targeted approach to the writing, allowing the author to tailor their content to their readers’ specific needs and interests. Writing a book is a dream come true for many aspiring authors, but getting it published can be a daunting task. Book Publishing Company play a vital role in bringing books to the public, and choosing the right publisher can make all the difference in an author’s success.

3. The Relationship Between Author’s Intent and Intended Audience

The relationship between an author’s intent and the intended audience is crucial in determining the success of a piece of writing The author’s intent is the reason behind the creation of the text, while the intended audience is the group of people that the author aims to reach with their writing. Understanding the relationship between these two factors is essential in creating effective and impactful writing.

When an author’s intent aligns with the intended audience, the writing is more likely to be successful. For example, if an author intends to educate their audience on a particular topic and the intended audience is interested in that topic, the writing is more likely to be well-received. In this case, the author intends to provide information, and the intended audience is interested in receiving that information.

However, the writing may be less successful when the author’s intent does not align with the intended audience. For example, if an author intends to entertain their audience, but their intended audience has not interested in the genre or style of writing, the writing may not be well-received. In this case, the author intends to create an engaging and entertaining piece of writing, but the intended audience may not be interested in receiving it.

The relationship between an author’s intent and the intended audience can also impact the tone and style of the writing. If an author intends to create a humorous piece of writing, the tone may be light and casual. However, if the intended audience is professionals in a particular field, the tone may need to be more formal and serious to be well-received. In this case, the author intends to entertain, but the intended audience requires a more professional tone.

4. Impacts of author’s purpose

5. Clarity and Coherence

An author’s purpose affects the clarity and coherence of their writing. When an author has a clear purpose, the text tends to be more structured and easier to follow. The author’s intended audience also influences the text’s coherence, as they may use different writing styles and approaches depending on their readers.

6. Persuasion

An author’s purpose can also be to persuade their readers. When an author aims to persuade, their writing will often be more argumentative and aimed at convincing the reader of a particular point of view. The author’s language and evidence will be geared towards achieving this purpose.

7. Information

Another purpose of writing can be to inform or educate. When an author aims to inform, they will present information in a clear and organized manner. They may also use evidence, data, and research to support their claims.

8. Entertainment

Finally, an author’s purpose can also be to entertain. Authors will create enjoyable and engaging work when they aim to entertain. The author’s language, tone, and style are often lighthearted and designed to amuse the reader.


The purpose of writing is to explain why an author creates a particular text It has been shaped by the author’s intent and the intended audience. The relationship between these two factors can impact an author’s purpose for writing. A clear author’s purpose can improve the clarity and coherence of the text, while an aim to persuade, inform, or entertain can shape the writer’s language, tone, and style.

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