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Writer vs. Author: What’s The Difference?

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  • image January 8, 2024
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  • image 6 min read


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Do you ever wonder about the difference between a writer and an author? Let’s explore that! A writer and an author may sound similar but have distinct meanings.

Writers are someone who puts thoughts into words. It could be a student creating an essay or a journalist reporting news. On the other hand, an author is someone who not only writes but also publishes their work. Authors often have books or articles to their name.

Understanding the difference matters. Therefore, it helps us appreciate the various roles people play in the world of words. Knowing if someone is a book writer or author clarifies whether they just composed or shared their words with the public.

Writing Style vs. Authorial Voice

Writing style and author voice are two important aspects of the writing world that we will examine as we explore deeper. 

These elements may sound similar, but they have distinct characteristics.

Writing Style:

  • Your writing style is like your unique fingerprint. It’s how you express ideas. Smoothly transitioning from one paragraph to the next is crucial in developing a coherent style.

Authorial Voice:

  • Now, let’s talk about the author’s voice. This is more about the writer’s personality shining through the words. Therefore, it’s the distinctive tone that readers can recognize.
  • Transitioning from one piece to another, your author’s voice remains constant. Whether you’re writing a novel or an article, your unique voice adds a personal touch. Similarly, this consistency creates a connection with your audience.

Distinguishing the Two:

  • While writing style focuses on writing mechanics, like sentence structure and organization, authorial voice delves into the writer’s personality and perspective.
  • Transitioning between writing style and authorial voice can be seamless. For example, phrases like “in my opinion” or “from my perspective” help readers understand when your voice is coming through.

Why It Matters:

  • Understanding the difference between writing style and authorial voice is crucial. It allows you to craft pieces that are well-written and uniquely yours.
  • Transitioning smoothly between these elements ensures that your writing feels cohesive. This makes it easier for readers to engage with your work, appreciating both the skill in your writing style and the authenticity in your authorial voice.

Traditional Publishing vs. Self-Publishing

Traditional publishing involves authors submitting their manuscripts to established publishing houses. The publisher handles editing, design, printing, and distribution if accepted. Therefore, book publishers New York offers validation and wider market reach but can involve lengthy processes. In contrast, self-publishing empowers authors to publish their work independently. Authors control the entire process, from editing to marketing, but bear the responsibility and cost. 

Roles and Responsibilities of a Writer

Writers play a crucial role in shaping information, entertainment, and communication. Their responsibilities extend beyond just putting words on paper. Therefore, here’s a look at the key roles and responsibilities of a writer:

1- Expressing Ideas:

Writers give voice to thoughts, ideas, and emotions. They express nonfiction writing truths through words, creating a bridge between their imagination and the reader’s understanding.

2- Research and Fact-Checking:

A responsible writer conducts thorough research to ensure the accuracy of information. Therefore, fact-checking is crucial to maintain credibility and reliability in their work.

3- Adapting Style and Tone:

Writers tailor their writing style and tone based on the audience and purpose. Whether formal or informal, each piece demands a specific approach to effectively convey the intended message.

4- Creativity and Originality:

Originality is the hallmark of a good writer. They strive to bring fresh perspectives and creative ideas to their work, avoiding plagiarism and presenting unique content.

5- Meeting Deadlines:

Timeliness is essential in the world of writing. Writers must manage their time efficiently to meet deadlines, whether self-imposed or set by editors or book writing services.

6- Editing and Revising:

A significant part of a writer’s responsibility involves revising and editing their work. You can also use good proofreading services to ensure clarity, coherence, and the elimination of errors, contributing to the overall quality of the written piece.

7- Engaging the Audience:

Writers aim to captivate their audience. Through storytelling, persuasive writing, or informative content, they employ techniques to keep readers interested and invested in the material.

8- Adapting to Various Genres:

Versatility is key. Writers often explore different genres, adapting their skills to fiction, nonfiction, journalism, and more, showcasing their ability to navigate diverse writing styles.

9- Building a Personal Brand:

In today’s digital age, writers often build a personal brand. This involves creating an online presence, engaging with readers, and establishing a reputation that reflects their values and writing expertise.

Beyond Writing: The Author’s Role

Authors do more than just write. The author’s writing purpose has additional roles that shape the entire process. Transitioning from writing to these roles is essential. So, let’s explore what goes beyond putting words on paper.

1- Promoting Connection:

  • Authors connect with readers. Also, they forge a link through written words, creating an emotional bond. This connection is vital for the success of their work.

2- Navigating Publishing:

  • Authors step into the world of publishing. This involves decisions on whether to self-publish or collaborate with traditional publishers. Navigating this path requires careful consideration.

3- Engaging with Readers:

  • Engaging with readers goes beyond the book. An Author interacts through social media, book events, and online platforms. Moreover, this engagement builds a community around their work.

4- Building a Brand:

  • Authors are brand builders. Author branding essentials include crafting a unique identity and shaping readers’ perceptions. However, this brand extends beyond the books to encompass the author’s values and persona.

5- Handling Feedback:

  • Feedback is part of the author’s journey. Whether positive or constructive, authors learn to handle feedback gracefully. Therefore, this process aids in personal and professional growth.


Distinguishing a Writer from an Author:

A writer expresses thoughts in words, while an author is a writer who has published their work.

Can a Writer Become an Author and Vice Versa?

Yes, a writer can become an author by publishing their work, and an author can become a writer by focusing on creating without publishing.

How Does the Role of a Writer Differ in Various Genres?

Writers adapt roles across genres; fiction writers craft stories; nonfiction writers share facts. Children’s writers engage young minds, poets express emotions, and journalists report on events.


Aspiring writers and authors should embrace the differences, recognizing that each role contributes uniquely to the literary landscape. Whether you’re a wordsmith crafting stories or an author navigating the publishing world, the dynamic and evolving nature of writing offers endless opportunities for creativity and growth. So, pen down your thoughts, share your stories, and embrace the journey, whether you identify as a writer, an author, or both.

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