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6 Strategies For Writing Simply: Effective Communication

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  • image November 17, 2023
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  • image 7 min read


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Effective written communication is a vital skill in almost all the professions. Whether drafting reports, conversing with clients through emails, or designing presentation slides, conveying your ideas perfectly is very important. 

However, we understand that not everyone is a wordsmith to be able to write effectively. To solve this problem, book publishers in New York city bring you this guide. Here are 6 amazing writing strategies that you can use to write well.  

1. Use an outline

The most important of all the writing strategies is to create an outline, especially if you are a beginner. Writing effectively is all about having a clear purpose from start to finish. Understand more in Conventions in Writing?.

Think of it like drawing a roadmap for your conventions in writing adventure. This roadmap will help you maintain a clear and easy-to-follow structure throughout your piece.

So, here’s how to make a killer outline:

  • Brainstorm: 

Begin by jotting down everything you’d like to say in your writing. Let those ideas flow without restriction.

  • Cut out unnecessary details:

Once you’ve got your list, give it a critical eye. Cross out anything that seems unnecessary or irrelevant or doesn’t fit your target audience.

  • Order It Up: 

Now, take what’s left and arrange it in a logical sequence. It could be chronological (in order of events), reverse chronological (starting from the most recent), or in order of importance.

Why is this important, you ask? Well, creating an outline is like taking the pulse of your warrant in writing. It helps you gauge how strong your argument is. Plus, it shows you whether you’ve got all the necessary information to make your point convincingly. 

Believe us, a well-thought-out outline is like a secret weapon for writers. It keeps you on track, helps you focus on your mission, and ensures your message is clear.

2. Answer the 5 Ws and H

Now comes the very amazing trick and favorite of all writers among all the writing strategies, the usage of 5 Ws and H. confused? Don’t be. 

These are your trusty tools for clear communication: the five Ws and H, which stand for Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How. These are the key questions that, when answered, make your writing shine. Learn more about effective communication in Autobiography About Yourself.

It’s like having a checklist to ensure your message hits the mark.

This is a trick that almost all professional writer’s block use in their writing, which makes them good at the job. So, imagine you’re a reporter on a mission to spill the beans on a big story. You’d use these questions to ensure your audience gets all the juicy details. 

So, let’s break it down:

  • Who: Who’s in the spotlight? Identify the key players or characters in your tale.
  • What: What’s the deal? Explain what’s happening or what you’re talking about.
  • Where: Where’s the action going down? Set the stage and give your readers some context.
  • When: When did it all go down? Time is of the essence. Don’t forget to drop that timeline.
  • Why: Why should anyone care? Explain the reasons behind the story or your point of view.
  • How: How did it happen? Describe the process or steps that got you here.

Going through these questions ensures your writing covers all the bases and leaves no room for confusion. It’s like the secret for clarity and completeness in your writing. Whether you’re sharing a big news story or trying to explain something to a friend, the five Ws and H have your back.

3. Understand the three appeals.

The next very important concept in all the writing strategies is understanding the three appeals. 

Writing isn’t just about putting words on paper; it’s about persuading and convincing your readers. That’s where the three rhetorical appeals come in:

3.1 Ethos (Character Appeal): 

This is all about trustworthiness. You want your readers to believe in you. To build strong ethos, show your expertise on the subject. You can use language that demonstrates your knowledge and connect with your audience’s values. When your readers trust you, your writing becomes more persuasive.

3.2 Logos (Logic Appeal):

When you’re making a case, logic is your best buddy. Use facts, statistics, specific examples, and solid evidence to support your point. 

Ask yourself if the structure of your writing makes sense and if the material you present is logical. It’s about giving your readers a solid, rational argument.

3.3 Pathos (Emotion Appeal):

Emotions can be a powerful ally. Discover the power of emotion in writing in How to Write Humor Make Your Writing Funny.

. You’re on the right track if you can tap into your reader’s feelings. Stir emotions that align with your message to make readers agree or want what you’re offering. Pathos is especially handy in marketing because it connects on a personal level.

So, when you’re crafting your writing, remember these three buddies. Ethos, Logos, and Pathos are your secret weapons for making your message compelling and persuasive. 

3.4 Keep it simple and clear:

The most important of all the writing strategies and crucial thing to keep in mind is that writing should be simple. For that, you can use simple language, sentences, and words. You can also write in a way that’s easy to read by keeping your sentences short and avoiding jargon and unnecessary technical terms (like “utilize” or “at this point”). 

Avoid complicated sentence structures like long-winded, run-on sentences. It is because they make it hard for people unfamiliar with them to understand what you’re trying to say. And they may even give off an impression of arrogance!

You also must be clear by using specific words that accurately describe what you want to say.

For example, “The animal was very large” is clearer than “The animal was a really big dog.” Also, try not to use vague terms like “a lot of” or “many” because they don’t give much information about how many things are being discussed. 

Instead, try using numbers and percentages (“50 people”) or specific quantities (“six bottles”).

5. Use short sentences.

A short sentence is easier to read, easier to understand and more likely to be grammatically correct. Longer sentences are more likely to be ambiguous and grammatically incorrect. 

Find the right balance between short sentences and long ones. There isn’t one rule that fits all situations where writing simply is important. 

6. Minimize the use of passive voice.

Passive voice is a common one of the writing strategies, but it’s not an effective one. It’s less direct and unclear than an active voice, making your writing harder to understand.

Passive voice should emphasize the receiver of an action rather than its performer (for example: “Our researchers collected the data.”). Active voice should be used when you want to emphasize the performer of an action. Understand more about voice in writing in How to Write and Publish a Scientific Paper.

(for example: “Our researchers collected data from several hundred participants.”)

In general, active voice is easier to understand than passive voice. It’s also more direct and concise. That means it takes less time for readers to process the information in your writing, making them more likely to finish reading what you’ve written!

Key Strategy and Key Benefit

Strategy Description Key Benefit
Outline Creation Crafting a roadmap for your writing, from brainstorming to structuring. Provides clarity and a focused approach.
The 5 Ws and H Answering Who, What, Where, When, Why, and How in your content. Ensures comprehensive and clear communication.
Understanding Appeals Utilizing Ethos, Logos, and Pathos to persuade and convince readers. Enhances the compelling nature of your writing.
Simplicity and Clarity Using simple language and avoiding complicated structures. Makes the content more accessible and understandable.
Short Sentences Balancing short and long sentences for readability. Improves comprehension and grammatical correctness.
Active Voice Usage Preferring active voice over passive for directness and clarity. Facilitates easier understanding and engagement.
Conclusion and Practice Summarizing the importance of simplicity in effective communication. Encourages practical application of these strategies.


Writing simply is a good way to communicate effectively. It makes your message easier to understand and helps people focus on what’s important.

Following these 6 amazing writing strategies can easily make your writing look professional. For further guidance, consider How to Create a Writing Portfolio That Clients Love.

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